27 Ago '15
L’estate volge ormai al termine e gli italiani hanno ripreso ad interessarsi alle tematiche del proprio Paese, forse stressati ma senza smettere di confidare in una riforma che possa in qualche modo apportare una miglioria alle proprie vite. Proprio su questa lunghezza d’onda pare essere l’ultima dichiarazione del premier Renzi, il quale ribadisce quanto già […]
- Tags:
- Italy
- Real Estate
- riforme
Today is the best moment ever to buy a house in Italy. Why do I say that? Let’s start from Bloomberg, who in a recent article pointed out the current situation in the housing market:on the one hand there is a great range of real estate and on the other hand citizens who want to […]
- Tags:
- home
- Italy
- Real Estate
02 Lug '15
Are you tired of endless winters and sad summers? Have you always dreamed of moving to another place, where people is cheerful, food is healthy and spring is mild? Maybe you are dreaming of buying a house in Italy… But if you want your dream to come true you will need the best team, you […]
- Tags:
- Italy
- Real Estate
29 Giu '15
Un grande cambiamento è in arrivo per il diritto successorio, specchio di una società sempre più dinamica e soprattutto, più europea. Il notaio italiano, da sempre figura di spicco in questa delicata branca del diritto, è ancora una volta chiamato a sostenere il cittadino europeo nella fruizione dei suoi diritti. Per farlo, dal 17 agosto 2015, avrà […]
22 Mar '15
The cultivation and maintenance of personal relationships are a vital part of doing business in Italy. Finding the right Italian agent, distributor, or business partner is therefore essential to enter the Italian market. It is usually not effective to rely onagents or distributors in neighboring markets, since despite the existence of the EU common market, […]
- Tags:
- business
- italian market
- Italy
22 Mar '15
The present turbulent times are forcing many people to re-evaluate their position. An option that may seem quite attractive is business start-up, your fate is in your own hands. It is a big leap to make and you will need to choose the best advisors to help you. THE INTERNATIONAL SEAL can assist in all […]
The Question: How much is the Italian inheritance tax? Who pays taxes on an Italian succession? What are the implications when an Italian property is involved in a succession? Answer: Italian successions are subject to two taxes: Estate Tax and Property Transfer Tax, as follows. ESTATE TAX Estate tax applies to the entire net value […]
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- The International Seal, Winnington House 2, Woodberry Grove, N120DR London, England United Kingdom
- info@theinternationalseal.com
- 00442036086446